Friday, October 20, 2006
Happy Deepavali & Selamat Hari Raya!!!

To all especially Ili, Dtk Ahmad, Sir Nambee, Sheena, Shhooba, Shyanim, Fizie, Shyakir, Ika, Mr. Taiping, Jini, Hanie!!! Hope you have a great time celebrating it!!! And kumpul lots of duit raya,
Now if you could excuse me i'm goin to
Bye!!! Annyeong!!!!
Day 1: Ayubowan!!!
our room!!
i'll post more pics later sometime ;)
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Day 1: Say hello to Sri Lanka!! (Long Version, if u dont feel bored reading)
I must warn you crappy English I'm using here this time...Wakaka I apologize..!!
Ayubowan!!! (clasp your hands and say it and bow a little) :)
(means: hope you have a good life!) in sri lankan
How I get there?
I go there by plane la?Duh~!! wakaka I got there by Sri Lankan
Airlines.. Quite ok.. but MAS is betterla.. but this airlines is
still better than United Airline(an American air)
How long to get there?
3 hours
Exchange rate?
25 rupee- RM1
To have kathina (a ceremony held every year for us to offer robes
[or can be something else] to the monks), meditation and visit
Buddhist historical places?
Specialty: Ceylon Tea, King Coconut, their road drivers are really
skillful on the road, wakaka especially our bus driver, explain it
to u why later and the bus driver honk like every 10 minutes, they
have tuk tuk (like the one in Thailand) tht was imported from India,
good food!! (in hotels la others dunno) hahahaha, yogurt, they had
the best yogurt I ever taste?(but I forget the brand liao la) ,
bakery, they have a lot of bakery shops in one street, and yea their bread are superb, delicious!! they also have really delicious rice....
How many of us went?
About 30 of us.. my mom, and lings mom
Got up at 4am to catch 7am flight, suppose to go vegetarian (vege)
but mistakenly go and buy the asam laksa in food court. Then hop on
the plane.. manage to catch up some sleep, the in flight
entertainment is not bad—they have devil wears prada, the break up,
cars,etc. and the cool thing was that it has camera in front of the
plane and the bottom plane, so u can see outside of the plane view..
very nice!! wakakak paiseh i look sua pa and retard about this...
Anyways finally we reach Colombo- Capitol of commerce of Sri
A coach bus pick us up to Kandy. we catch up our lunch somewhere in a hotel, the view in the hotel was beautiful the hotel has really niceeeee beach view.. haha and also in front of the hotel there is a mini tesco nearby…. Hahah I didn’t take a pic of it though.. Kandy is here the last kingdom of sri lanka ends… At Kandy it was the holiest Buddhist place in the world because there is where the Buddha’s tooth relic was. Buddha’s tooth relic is brought out in the temple to show to the public in every 4 years. Unfortunately if we want to see the tooth relic we need to wait till year 2008 comes… The king usually keeps the Buddha relic that’s why the tooth relic ended there…Our hotel is up the hill.. so it takes 4 hours to get to Kandy. On our way there we manage to make a stop to get a Ceylon tea and Bhante all of us yougurt.. (yum!) And also on the way there I saw a familiar golden arch… its like McD at 1st I was pretty excited but later I jz realize the golden arch wasn’t McD. It’s a bakery stall.. haha its quite funny so I quickly take down a pic of it… Their college/ schools are really in poor condition, is much worse than ours here.. so its pretty sad to see such sight…we finally reach Kandy and we have to stop to change out buses to smaller bus because our hotel is up the hill…
Wow… here we are in the mini bus… its like rollercoaster and its thrilling … ahhh its oso like the OSIM cowboy machine thingy… although it’s a bus the driver can drive it as if it’s a mini kancil.. hahah… anyway here u can see the bus driver’s skill… imagine a road up the hill only for a vehicle to go and its really narrow. But there’s 2 buses coming in a diff direction, amazingly the bus drivers still manages to go on safely both passengers and their vehicle… One of the aunty was saying this drivers was train to drive for intial D, etc. The hill road we can see shops and house around. Some shops still using candle to lit their shop at night, electricity seems to be really expensive there.
Abt 20min. we finaaly reach AMALAYA HILLS RESORT.. woohooo the view was really nice… All of us hurrily get into our rooms… and know the room is nice too. Have flat screen tv and a digital weighing machine tht’s not accurate…we take a bath and get down because we are heading to the temple where the buddha’s relic was placed. Bhante said its better to go today orelse the nxt day might don’t get a chance because tmr is Kathina day…
So we get down the hill and into the coach bus again. The travel guide explain to us about the temple.. there are 2 security checks in the temple.. this is due to the terrorist once trying to bomb the temple because prince charles visit or something not sure therefore they have tight security now.. Shoes/slippers are not allowed, no shorts or sleeveless… The security check point is really scary I must say… the policewoman will really touch u like even…. So like u feel tht u get molested.. -_-“
The bombers did get to bomb a small part of it but not at all at the chamber where the relics was placed.. amazing isn’t it? Although the main chamber is only made of honey, paper and one more thing can’t remember…
Anyways many parts of the temple were made of gold… its really amazing how those days ppl can do such stuff.. The chamber where the relic was placed, in front everyday they will play instrument. The relic were offered 32 kinds of dishes I think everyday but for breakfast and lunch only la… my aunt said try to keep my mind clear when I stepped in the temple.. wa so scary wan I keep trying to tell my self to keep mind clear.. but as I stepped in there my mind was automatically cleared.. there’s nothing in my mind.. the chamber was amazingly created, the details and art on it is like… whoa!!! We went in, the Buddha relic is upstairs, we went upstairs and offer some jasmine flower to the relic… the relic was inside I can remember 7/9 layers of gold pagoda…. And there are gems and gold around the pagoda.
Then we come out, go other places and make jasmine offering to other Buddha statue...
We went to the main hall (I think), we were given privilege to meditate there for a while. The main hall were separated one is where we meditate in front of a big golden Buddha (not really big but still… ) another part is a lot of Buddha statue (I think were given by diff countries) and on top of the Buddha statue there’s story about the Buddha. After we meditate we get back to the hotel and makan then tidur…. Tht’s the end for the day 1…
Note: About makan I no need tell u how was it because all the food were sooooo good!!!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Coming Soon... :)

Oh ya btw shout outs to ANGIE!! HUI SHEAN!!!
Happy Birthday, mei mei!!!
Wish u had a great year!!! May all luck and happiness shine upon u!!!
muaks!! love ya lots!!!
Take care...
Friday, October 13, 2006
Saeng Il Chukhamnida~~!
Happy 18th Birthday to...
My same genetic friend!!
when i meant same genetic... kekek means when u call me devil tyng..
u are devil ki!!!! wakakakaka
hope u had fun hiding under the bed!!!!

Mr Mat Famous in Taiping....
Believe me everywhere he goes in Taiping people knows him...
Last but not least...

Saeng Il Chukhamnida!!!!!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The BIrth of Satu Biji.....

jz happy birthday la!!!