Sunday, June 25, 2006
Few more days....
I am leaving MA soon... (26th June)I will be leaving for DC, then on Friday I will leave for Kuala Lumpur!!
I don't have any particular feelings now... sad? excited? hm..
I am tuning to Shinhwa's new song, oh my god those guys are amazing!!
haha lately, i just noticed that i am posting Kpop, guys who don't favor it, oops soree.. hehe.. I just can't helped it, Kpop is just so amazing...
On Thursday i went to Six flags, pretty amazing place, but too chee kek(hokk.) la all the rides...
Even some rides weren't that obvious scary rides I had headache and heartache...
Haha, but the ticket quite really expensive la, and all the stuff there freaking expensive and have tax somemore, aiyo beh tahan, so we only eat lunch din eat dinner till midnight...
i will post up some pics when i get back to msia..
GAH!!! hmm now i feel frustrated need to leave here... don't ask me why because I don't know..
I was packing since I got back from Ili's, and I am quite worried right now that my lugguage couldn't fit all my things... I wanna bring everything back, but my lugguage does not permit me!! how??
I called home earlier, and was already given a nickname for putting on weight.. i haven't reach msia and already got all these teasings liao, hai~~~ anyway i love my family, although they being like that....
Anyway this would be probably my last post in MA... erm...
yea that's all... see u guys!!!
FTTS - Like A man (KBS 2006.01.28)
Live Ftts, beh kia wannabe!!
hope you liked it!!!
Hwanhee/Fanny singing...
This song is sung beautifully... Beh kia wannabe... this is for u... >_<
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Today i get to go to the *drum rolls* MALL!!!!
MALL... the place that i tot i would not step my foot in it again...
AHHHH!!! so happy...
manage to get 2 pairs for fip flops for only 5 bugs in Old Navy... some stuff for bros and someone who was asking for branded stuff(though he declines abt it after tht) *winks* -- sorry its not GUESS but its Old Navy still...
and i bought a couple of tees.. haha so happy...
i followed Sam to paper route.. pretty fun...
then in evening i played soccer with beka... and do some strecthing... hehe luckily thing my strecthing masih not yet karat...
though my money on ambang ambang maut but i am still goin to 6flags tmr... with Sanie and Laura... yeepee!!! haha so excited...
and so many things excites me today....
i found a new travel mate--- wendy sis... haha love her so much.. planning on visiting her, huei yih sis and beng..
hehe and we make a plan how to distract my bro's later when i reach msia..
because they been vowing to starve me (haha not exactly starve but they vow to reduce my weight which is good but....) hahah muahahah....
anyway tuesday i'll be leaving MA to DC... =D pretty excited to see my other 30 fellow friends...
oh my host family not planning to get other exchange student liao, herm not mainly because they dont like exchange student but they felt its unfair for them because they are always busy can't bring us anywhere.. but they will take another exchange students when they are free... hehe..
Friday i'll be goin to library and hang out with ili... spend more money...
oh ya i receive msg from Mr. Lim and he told me many ppl missed me.. haha so happy to hear tht.. like feel glad tht people cares know..
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
To all exchange students!!! (since i'm lazy to email it around)
WE ARE EXCHANGE STUDENTS So much is said about being an exchange student, but only when you experience it. Things make sense. It is definitely not easy and whether you want it or not, you'll end up changing and growing. Once your exchange is done YOU finally realize that you can handle way more than you could and would ever imagine. You need to appreciate things you have because they might be gone sooner than you think. Life is not easy. True friendships are really forever.The best part about being an exchange student is not
about the parties or places you get to go. Not the
independence and life experience, but the
friendships. I'm not talking about the friends
you made from your host country but about the other
exchange-student friends. For most of us, they were
the very first "friends" we had in this new
experience. We met them in orientation meetings or trips, etc. They were the
first people we actually talk to without having the
fear of speaking in a different language. No matter
what, there's a big difference between "host
country friends" and "exchange student friends".
Exchange students have a special bond. Despite
language and cultural differences, you'll
understand one another because you experience similar situations.
The hardest part of facing the end of your exchange
year is to accept the fact that it's gonna
take a while until you have the chance to travel the
world to see your exchange friends again. Because
once you leave your host country, deep down inside,
you know that sooner or later you'll be back,
but when are you going to have enough money and time
to travel the world again???
Some of us became friends because we were placed in
the same schools, lived in the town nearby each
other. Others we met along the year, during trips
and meetings... The trips... first day nobody knows
each other, everyone is shy... By the end of the
trip everybody knows everybody and says good bye in
the last day is as sad as when we left our friends
and family in our home countries... How many
lifetime friendships and romances started with: "How
can I say this in your language?" It's hard to
believe that so much can start from such a simple
Does this story sound familiar to you??? Just wait,
it gets worse... The very first trip, when it is
time to leave is not so terrible because you have
the whole year ahead of you, so the chances of
meeting everyone again are very big. Time goes by
and your year is slowly getting to an end. You have
your last trip... Probably it will be the very last
time you'll see most of your exchange friends
for "God-knows-how-many-years"... this feeling is
just horrible!!! It's when you wish things
would never end. When you wish you could turn back
time and do everything again, and maybe do what you
want but never had the guts to, like kissing that
girl/boy or spending more time with A, B and C...
And there you are, saying good-bye, fighting the
tears and making promises to people that you could
never imagine you would meet in your life...
Unfortunately, things don't always work as we
want and not that everything is possible... Once
your year is done, it is when you realize who you
will ALWAYS miss the most. Your exchange friends
spread all over the world. And one day you're
gonna be at a Geography or history class and as some
countries are mentioned, you'll think about
your friends that are half way around the world away
from you, and you'll have to fight the tears
again... Their occasional letters, phone calls and
emails are going to be of unbelievable value and
will bring joy to your bad day/week. And this is
what this email is about. Most of us never thanked
these friends? And never said how much they mean to
are all wonderful, special and unique, and
I've been made a better person just by knowing
you. You've made my year unforgettable. And I
don't think I'll ever forget the time we
spent together! Hopefully we will meet again
someday! Doesn't matter how many miles keep us
apart. I'll always be here for you. The end of
our exchange year doesn't mean the end of
friendships. As said before ´true friendships are forever? "As we go on, we remember
all the times we had together. And as our lives
change, come whatever. We will still be "friends
*beep beep*
Happy BELATED Birthday, Sharmane!!Oh my god, can't believe that i forget Sharmane's birthday..
yo so sorry Sharmane... hopefully she see's this message la..
anyway also to other's who's birthday i missed...
anyway i'm leaving for DC soon, its like in a week....
sad and happy though...
i dun know why everytime i think my host family weren't fond of me, but later they talk and laugh with me.... just felt weird...
most of the people i met online i told them i'm bored here, but later i think back hmm it's not so boring after all, i had books to read, things to knit, things to take care off, football team to cheer for, weights to shed, stuff to pack, Six flags to look forward too... yea its not so boring after all.. so i would like to take back my words that i am bored here... mayb i feeled bored because i had not gone to the mall since i had rush to get my prom stuff, ever since that i din go to the mall... in fact wanna go Walmart oso susah, when i get to step in Walmart i only get 20-30min there, wanna buy souvenir, games and tide to go oso tak sempat, only manage to grab 12pounds of chocolate... hai~~~~ hopefully i get to make another trip there before i head to back la...
i hope all my stuff no overweight la, as i broke liao...
anyway there's this guy he added me in msn, he's sitting SPM this year,
just like me last year desprately wants to get this scholarship YES, so he taruh lots of questions on me, i felt a little annoyed about it... he's a muslim though, he said if he's here he would only eat HALAL food, or go vegetarian. I got really annoyed about it and told him frankly i don't think he would survive here and other muslim exchange students just eat what their host family ate as long as they don't eat pork... he replied wtf (i was pretty stunned.. not my fault ma, wanna curse curse somewhere la don't curse in front of me) he said are they my friends (muslim ex.).. i was laughing at the screen.. and i replied him, "oh no, they are my enemies.." (duh of coz they are my friends!!) , later i tell him i jz joking, of coz they are my friends, and AFS Malaysia do send muslim students there, it would be really funny if no muslim representing Malaysia.. he tought AFS only choose non-muslim... hai~~~ he really not prepared about being AFS's exchange student... he kept asking me to reveal interview questions, i think it wouldn't be fair if i reveal it to him because others applicants are also as desperate as him.. so i just give him the same piece of advice like other AFS returnees, just be yourself.... anyway i just told him nice to meet u (not reli sure i am that time, but still yea)
some people met me online were so creative in so many ways to tell me how fat i am now... For instance, (for their creativeness *claps claps*)
Ng kun- eh, u drink oil there ar?
Alfred- ur meat increasing edi ar...
another more straight forward... naib presiden- waa u so fat edi hor......
*example mayb variant from the original*, really hurts hearing this.. (haha jz kidding i'm used to it edi_
haha yea i look on the mirror 2 days ago, and see oh no my face is even more bulat than before when Daniel oppa usually tease me, how to reduce weight, so fat until like that, with this frustration it made me take my lazy ass out and jog/walk around for 30min, waaa sweat coming out... so happy... then i tot my host mom no cook so ciak sendiri, i go makan a few stuff for dinner... around 9 somethin, Sanie tapau McD balik... *smacks head* my effort for today all flushed down liao.. so boliao la.. thinking of joggin today but heavy rain... hai~~
btw korea's recent match with France is 1-1... so proud of Korea, i was so scared that Korea lost but they shot a goal in the 2nd half, i was cheering, didn't realize my host mom is just around and she laughed at me... yea i was name the football girl now, because i am the only one watching World Cup.... but Japan tied with Crotia... the goalkeeper did a good job stopping the goal from a penalty kick/free kick haha dunno wat is called.. a bit disappointed they din score, luckily thing din watch this match...
hahah yea i typed a letter to the Athol Daily News editor, i'm pretty happy with the stuff i worte hopefully i could post it sometime lo... hahah...
i am aware that most of u guys have exam this days so gambade... ms mushiseyo!! huei yih sis!!
ok till then
annyeong!! ;)
smile people!!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
KOREA WON!! but....

Japan lost, to Australia.... badly and last minute... hai~~
luckily thing i din watch that match i might kek hui(hokk.)
i watch korea's match though...
haha quite gan ceong... haha wanna cheer but scared my host mum think i siao edi...
Ahn something guy scored a goal too, he quite cute haha..
me and ili made some siao clips last night which was inspired by youtube.. we sang gom sem mani so fun and funnnny.....
pic: last meeting at cliff house......
i will miss u ppl though haha we dont usually meet... Selbi!!!!! i will miss u!!!
k la gtg now...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
World Cup~~~!!!
I know it started few days ago...I wanna express my full support to han-gook(korea) and nippon(japan) team!!!
Lay yen, still remember our unconditional support when we were in Form 2 to Japan team...
Hidetoshi Nakata and Inamoto Junichi, Ono Shinji!!!! they are so cute....
anyway people enjoy watching football ya!!!!!
Monday, June 05, 2006
We had our fun, We had our kicks, We are the class of 2006
HIya people!!Firstly, dear mushiseyo --- thanks for calling me evil hor.... pretty much thank u... herm... *gave mushiseyo weird stare/unhappy look* and thanks for the picture without panda eyes (*sacarsticly)....
Class Day- pretty interesting, emotional day, good for remembering happy memories..
wow didn't know Class 2006 remember's the exchange students....
lisa so nice she gave presents and we (host sis's and lisa) went subway for lunch
everyone look pretty, guys quite yeng....
prom pretty fun though i hate my hair do... seriously i think i can do much better by myself then paying USD 30 for it.. makes my face looks more like a full moon (like how my bro always teases me).... Laura was really nice to give me a ride there, since no one is bringing me there.... dance mostly all the time just like our prom last year... (remember girls, we had a blast at prom last year) No date, but Nick is nice enough to leave his date a while to dance with me...
after that we went to after prom party... o my god u can't believe the money they forked out for the after prom party, so many food--- subways, pizza, popcorn, sundae, cookie, chips, lots more--- no acohol of course.... we had casino's there (haha pretty strange it seems like they encourage teens to gamble), i play blackjack hoping to lose off my money and ili's but keep wining though i bet on more than $1000, btw fake money a.k.a monopoly kinda, then they have the japanese dancing machine--- u can dance unlimitedly, hahaha i dance a lot of times there since msia so expensive, then they had a few diff gamble games, a few machine games and the battle thingy dunno how to explain la.. then they have palm reading--- i took up a long time of that lady hahah.... most of this activity was sponsored and volunteered by parents... wow parents were so dedicated.... then at 4am they had lucky draw, i got USB drive 512mb.. geez i wish i was earlier then i can either get ipod or camera.. but i'm happy with it anyways... so funny all 4 asians got the lucky draw thingy.... hhaha
there are other prizes like dvd player, radio, mini fridge, comforter set, comfy chair, metal detector, gift card, tv... hahah
it end at 5am, then gossip on someone while waiting for ili's host dad.. haha Ili this is one of out remember when...
when reach home surprisingly heard cat's meow, struck my mind it's Emily..
so i called out for Emily.. but she never appear so i went in, just before i shut the door Emily was there at the doorstep, she was wet and limping one foot hurt, i had not seen her since last week... me, Sam and h.mum pretty worry about her since we found out Jefferson's death(ya so sad he died.... its a secret from Sanie we decided to tell her after graduation next day) and Emily was lost.. so anyways... so i let her in pet her, she was eating... its 5 somethin so don't wanna disturb my host family so i just leave a note to Sam, but the note dropped, so she never saw the note i left when she woked up... i (in state of not feeling well) told her abt emily, they went searching emily around the house for like 15 minutes or so... i can not stand myself just laying on the bed not helping them, i get my butt down from the bed and search Emily, as soon as i get down stairs turn my head towards the dining hall, ta-dah... Emily is just right in front of me...
and they bring them to Ally (their sis who's a vet helper)... luckily thing she was alright wasn't as bad as Jefferson...
Its pretty sad to see Jefferson died especially just before class day/prom... he is such a handsome cat... I love him.... didn't think he ended his life like this.... so wounded... my host mum belief this cats were attacked but not sure by what...
i was sick the day before graduation... so sick can't even do anything....
so sad.... luckily think before what omma told me to do when i was i sick i should put on ice packs... makan some pannadol, put some cap kapak minyak, some refresh (lim family fav ubat), some po ji yuan...... sleep for 18 hours... then next day on graduation ta---dah felt much better thought still got dizzy-ness.....
anyway graduation today ok ok
had a lot of food filled in me- many pictures taken but didnt manage to take pictures with lisa and ili.....
sanie is now goin parties around me here typing my blog...
ashley came by earlier and she was nice to invite me to hang out in someone's party that i don't even know....
pretty long post... i'm gonna post pics as soon as i get my pics loaded up....
anyway i don't know why my eyes got terrible panda loops (probably cursed for saying mushiseyo the other day) on graduation and prom....
btw the title above is class 2006 slogan....
have a nice day!!
May u be well and happy, ne!!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Great mind think alike...
wanna jot down this fun time now...i am chatting with xin and beng/mushiseyo right now..
we had so much fun...
we had a mission to acomplish when me and beng gets back...
we had a lot of names for it, but not yet decide crashing of 3NG, mission tembusi STAR by 3 NG, mission tembus lor... hahahah
really fun and cool mission, can't wait.. tee-hee
the title above is our quote of the day.....
anyway we couldn't figure out where's torng yang now..
in f6? in inti?? no idea.. also yuan hooi, dunno which coll he attending..
so u guys saw this msg drop by and tell me where u all lo....
anyway xin is off now...
beng left, BENG remember to take ur panda pic lo!!!
haha k la need go talk to beng with focus 100% hahaha...
Opps Xin, so late only realize i was tagged....
I AM- fat nowI JUST NOW-Chatting with Beng and Xin
I WANT- A laptop now so I don't need to go library for internet access
I WISH- there's no tomorrow
I HATE- seeing selfish people, saying goodbye
I MISS- Msian food!!!!!
I FEAR- death, sadness
I HEAR-Kpop!!!---- is it suitable ar???
I WONDER- kpop suits the category above...
I REGRET- not having camera in my life for the past 17 years..
I AM NOT- nice
I SING- anytime a song pops into my head..
I CRY- whenever i had a chance to
I MADE- myself ( i know should be my parents but i made my personality tee-hee!)
I CONFUSE- what is goin to happend on graduation/ class day this week
I NEED- a pair of shoes for prom and graduation
I SHOULD- start dieting now
I START- thinking properly
I FINISH- typing crap in my blog
I TAGGED- mr nobody....