Thursday, May 25, 2006
Today ROCKSS!!!!!
I MADE A PRESENTATION ABT MALAYSIA!!!So happy and proud of myself...
My presentation seems to be getting better dy, not that much mr. gagaps....
Anyway i had a lot of fun, telling them msian culture..
and 5S2 er's i used our class pic, and ask them to find me... hahah they couldn't at first..
i gave out flags and things like that..
Kelvin is so funny on my way back form lunch and he's on the way to lunch...
he waving msian flag and show other people and said "hey look it's Malaysian flag" a couple of times... hahaha...
it's definately worth it preparing this presentation...
This few days i been hesitating whether to wear baju kurung to school a not,
i was pretty afraid being criticize by people...
then after thinking a while, why i should be afraid about it??? i should be proud of it....
anyway many people praised the beauty of baju kurung makes me feel no regrets at all wearing it.... =)
mom's package arrived yesterday...
there's muruku and coconut cookies in it... yum..... many people taste it, many prefer the coconut cookies...
i'm trying to buy SG Wannabe and fly to the sky albums through Yes Asia...
hopefully it works...
tomorrow i think we have graduation thingy... Friday Memorial Day assembly (memorial day is monday-no school!!) next Tuesday and Wednesday will be my finals, Friday is Class Day and prom then Sunday is Graduation!!!
i bought my graduation outfit liao but not yet buy my prom shoes.... the shoes here bo sui wan, malaysia much better... haha anyway i went to the mall the other day manage to buy really nice cucuk saggul.. hehe!!
k la tht's all hopefully u guys had a great week and so do me!!! =)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
F6 starts oh...
Hmm... i'm wandering how's F6 going??U guys who started F6 drop by and tell me how's F6 goin on lo!!!!
haha of coz also friends who started college long ago...
reallly eager to know la...
doing msia presentation this wednesday, both excited and nervous feeling...
hopefully i did ok la... hahaha
i will include the msian idol YMCA advertisement, where those guards singing Visitor pass.....
hopefully it will add little fun into my presentation lor....
k la
take care people...
btw SG wannabe album out long ago, and their songs is awesome!!!!!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Oh my god...Saying goodbye is the hardest thing i can do..
On Monday, its the last day for Diana at school...
can't believe i can't hold back my tears, indeed farewell is the hardest thing in my life now...
i really can't believe farewell is one of my biggest fear...
let's put my sam-see(isi hati) away...
haha yay~~!! i finally learned how to knit... thanks to my host sis-Sanie!!
oh ya, xin my host sis said u are awesome for liking Red Sox and for encouraging me to apply this program...
Sanie thinks i'm weird, she laugh at me because i bought fat free 94% popcorn, lightly salted chips... she said tyng u're so weird..... hahaha.... anyway kinda glad she teased me...
last friday, we went to Quabbin resevoir and drenched in the rain, pretty fun though but really freezing cold, clothes soaked wet... i bought really good fries and grilled sandwhich... haha Mr Williams my environmental studies teacher ask me and Ili,"do they sell french fries in malaysia" haha because both of bought really large fries...
here are some pic....

I got my prom ticket edi, it will be held in 4points sheraton and after tht will have after prom party till 5am--wohoo can't wait!!! After prom party got mock wedding.... hahah so weird but sounds fun oh...
i think the malaysia ticket looks nicer la... hahha, i'm not goin to prom with a date though, Ili goin with Manuel (exchange student fr Argentina)... anyway tht's all....
Adieu, Diana!!

I still remember the first time we met...
You approach us friendly like we know each other well...
We laugh, talk, gossip, have fun together...
It's time for you to go back and return to your life you use to have, although with heavy heart but I still had to say goodbye to you...
I don't know when we will still meet but hopefully soon...
Adieu, my friend, wish you all the best and I am really glad to share the wonderful memories and I never regret knowing you...
Take care my friend...
I will always remember you and love you always!! =)
1 valuable lesson i learned: cherish the moments you have, although with heavy heart you still need to bid farewell....
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Harvard Pics!!
Haha, actually Harvard forest is also part of Harvard campus o, means i been to Harvard la *knocks head* (dreaming)... Here's some Harvard Forest pic... tiring walk but worth it la...

School cafeteria...
Athol High
Try to take a pic while Diana(from Ukraine) and Michele weren't looking...
Me and Ili...(mind my disgusting chewing gum*)
A proof that Harvard is part of Harvard Uni, Haha.. A weather tiang..... that I climbed up
Look how tiny the people down there.... try to spot my backpack!!
The view.....
The four of us....
There will be another trip this Friday to Quabbin Resovoir, where they store water for the people living around Boston... Today the people fr Quabbin came and gave presentation on wild animals, if u ask me it's both interesting and boring la...
13 days left for school and 48 days left in US... pretty excited to go back Malaysia because new cousin was born 4-5 days ago, and its a girl!!!! yay~!!!
F6 is starting soon, people who enrolling F6 hope u had a good year there and all the best lo... aiya, i always wanted to go F6 orientation but I guess I couldn't, so help me have fun in the orientation and tell me lo wats it is like the orientation there...
This Saturday I cooking nasi lemak and onde-onde dunno boleh makan a not wan, hahaah, hopefully it is successful la, (hope nobody lau sai after eating) hahaha.... A friend of mine from Ukraine is going back soon next Tuesday, hai so mm seh tak her la... Gonna miss her so much and i'm going to present a presentation on Malaysia next Tuesday in school, hopefully everything goes well, no cacated language, or silly things happend...
haha oh ya my school quite canggih wan knoe, me and ili been talking about it these days... Last week, we pass by a reallllly old door, the door seems to shut itself automatically.. So i tell Ili, " Walaueh itu pintu begitu tua auto lagi o", then our principle shouting get out get out, we dunno what happend but just follow everyone... Outside drizzling and cold somemore.. Stand there so long mana tau its false alarm, that someone budak pull the fire alarm... haha anyway we learn that don't judge a book by its cover, though the door is old but it's high tech wan ar....
K gtg now... Got to go YMCA exercise, so long didn't workout liao and eat a lot of fast food + junk food lately, my pants...... better not say la....
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Harvard Forest!! (Beng its HARVARD!!!)
So excited because had the same name with Harvard Uni... hahah
Harvard Forest is not exactly near no Harvard Uni, its just 10 minutes bus ride from my school.. We go for hiking there, took lots of picture, had pretty much fun there though..
i'll post up some pics as soon as i got the pics..
this Sunday we will be having political meeting with Massachusetts Rep (not really sure, but is a politician) in Tea House (Chinese Restaurant in Orange).. pretty excited abt it too..
Just watch My Name is Kim Sam Soon, pretty boring- not really funny...
A little menyesal spending time watching it...
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
hello everyone!!!
How u guys doing???I had some pics from NY trip...
Hope u guys enjoy it!! ;)