Saturday, October 08, 2005
A Dream.........

One day , there’s a guy wondering around a shopping complex called Ocean .. then suddenly he saw a pondan selling herself to an old man for a few bucks for a ride home to her plastic surgery for his ugly face and his boobless body and his overshapped body. The doctor cut his excessive fats first then stop coz it’s too oily till it burst and cannot sew back, so he used elephant-gum and also masking tape. He tried so hard to sew, but can’t sew, so the doctor used his old grandma’s secret that it is none other that used the fat to cover up her scar (wow the method was remarkable) but the scar still there. In desperation, the doctor ran out from the surgery room and go to commit suicide but a bright light shines. He stopped and turned, then he realized that the light is actually spotlight from the corner. He whispered to himself , “ why am I here? Here is definitely not high enough for me to end my life !! So why don’t I climb higher and see ?” He made the thought within a second, and walked down at once. Then within another second , he jumped up and down , trying to feel the world one last time before he meets angels or devils later . Now, he is ready for another try to say goodbye to the world. He whispered, “bye mom, bye dad, chicken rice , wife, ahbeng , vling , cousin , bengsze , taiyilong , yahtyng , Korean pop, kimchi, songs , pondan , love story in Harvard, old man, bus and full house….” Suddenly, something strikes him. “Ah, I forgot to sew back the pondan’s two big scars. So, he ran back to the surgery room and to his surprise, the pondan wasn’t there. But he kap liu wor , so he rush to the toilet. Suddenly , he saw the pondan was pangsaiING there..Wah, what a relief to him as he has done his nature call and found pondan screaming but donno why the pondan was screaming then found out that actually his/her wound still bleeding like the pipe water, oils are flowing out like Nigeria fall. The doctor then approached the pondan, then only he realized that he’s not actually a pondan, he’s just a girl that look like a guy. Guilt haunted him, he knew that he had to be responsible to the “girl”.. then he proposed to her and bowed to his knees, saying “ahpon, would you marry me?” Without a second thought, ahpon hugged the doctor and nodded then said “actually I have a confession to make, I am a real humsup. Tell me the truth, how many children do you wanna have? A football team of children?” Then, there’s a moment of silence, the doctor confess that he wants two football team, can? But I’m mati pucuk , even tongkat ali can’t help , plus waikor also cant help , sei ku cant help either. The only way is to get two football team in his own dream . Therefore, that night itself they went to bed together, have the same dream. The doctor dreamed about him being a football coach and the ahpon was a ahsam that washed toilet in a football stadium….. As he walked closer , tititititi ( alarm clock )… the doctor woke up and realize it’s all a dream after all . Sighed in relief , the ahpon, the suicide, the old man , the football team don’t really exist…Thank god… He said to himself..but I’m still mati pucuk …. Why ????
Originally written by 3NG's.....
coryright reserved 2005
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