Saturday, October 29, 2005
happy day pics!!! =D

Friday, October 28, 2005
A happy day ought to remember!!! =)
Yesterday was the last day of school.So fast school ended dy.....
I'm sure going to miss my friends and some teachers. I really hope we'll have some reunion to keep in touch in future.
We arrange tables for SPM, clean the table (I didn't clean it I dunno which kind angel in my class helped me clean my table... Thanks, angel!)
It was fun yesterday; we took lots of picture's I'll post it up if I manage to get it. There's a lot of pics in 'Park Shin Yang's blog... hehe my hair is messy there.....
We bought the prom ticket yesterday, the ticket looked pretty cool. Black with shinny silver words.
We even took picture with the tickets (so siao hor)....
The atmosphere in school is like SPM weren't around the corner, everyone's gigling, talking and taking pictures together around the school.
Then around 11am we were allowed to go home... (so early hor!)
Kxin and others ordered pizza and planed to go beng's house. Then I and others go along too. Some kind of tour to ah beng's house (If she charge entry fee she's going to make lots of money yesterday). Jeez... ah beng house really going to make me faint. We went to a living room on the third floor. Everyone (many of us there) gather there have some drinks, fruits and some have pizzas. We talked, joked (poor Hee Boon) and laughed. Then we have a little tour to her room. Then around 1pm we took pictures again and leaved. Really wah, her house!!! I really glad she gave me an opportunity to go her house. Beng thanks for your hospitality lor!! So paiseh leave the unwashed cups there and Beng I think you no need be my beh kia dy, what about the other way round I be your beh kia... hahaha joking!
Really a happy and beautiful day yesterday....
On the way to tuition I was thinking about it and don't really realize I'm smiling till Ling give me a weird look. Ling: What are you smiling at? Smile till like that. Thinking wat?
Me: Hehe... yameh I smiling meh? Didn't realize... I'm smiling at what happend today la... So fun and nice...
Ling: I think about it too just now.... (forget what she said after that)
But it would be definitely a day when I think back next time I would give a really broad smile... =)
My friends who will be taking SPM in two weeks time or other exams and cousins who are going to have major exams, all the best to you...
Gambade ne! Aja! Aja!
Si musang the fool....
Freaking scary (kinda) and ANGRY!!!!Today around noon...
I'm studying and really concentrating my bio (yay!! I'm studying)...
House phone rang...
So I pick up the phone...
I thought it is dad calling but no!! It's a HAMSAP MALAY GUY (not trying to be racist here but the truth is it's a malay guy)...hamsap malay guy---->si musang (se lang/ pervert) and his voice sounds hamsap...
me: Hello!
si musang: mau tidur dengan saya?
me: (irritated) (I pretend as if I can't hear him) Hello?? hello??(loudly)
si musang: hello? hello?
me: Hello? hello? I can't hear you!!(loudly)
si musang: (kinda shocked, maybe he doesn't knoe how to speak engrish) *little silence*erm..... mau romance dgn saya? (WAT DA! u ganti tidur with romance? In school your English teach you the word romance only ar?)
me:Hello? hello? hello? (strictly)
si musang: (feel helpless (I think!) and hang up the phone)
Wah!! I was shocked...
Shivering a little.... Coz really scary la...
Then I hurry go lock the door, the tinder glass....
No one at home somemore...
Spoil my mood studying...
To si musang: Who the hell are you that you think you are eligible to dial up some one's number and ask whether they would like to sleep with you??? WAT DA?? You think I'm a whore? You think by calling me I'll give you free service or raya service?? You stupid shit!!! What kind of era you are living?? Are you civilized??? Do you pay attention in your agama class?? There's a lot of whore in Petaling Street or Ocean there available. No money? Be patient and wait raya over and use all your raya money and get a whore la.
After thinking for a while, probably he's a gigolo himself offering services. Maybe his business wasn't that good these days, wanna get more customers thru the phone...*shrugs*
My piece of advice to Si Musang and Si Musang to be:
Wise Ones Abandon Small Pleasures
Humans cannot gain real satisfaction from sensory pleasures. The more their demands are met, the more they ask for. If we are willing to calm down our senses and not indulge ourselves in seeking pleasures, then our consciousness will gradually awaken. Then, little by little, we will come to realize the deeper meaning of life and no longer foolishly pursue sensory satisfaction.
- From the Illustrated Dharma Sutra.
Paiseh ar and really sorry!! I used vulgar words because I can't stand it and really angry because
*edited* er sorry to people who feel offended or no big deal about this post coz i say until like tht!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Finally get to change the skin dy....Eating fried rice for breakfast now....
Tell me what you think about the layout ya! ;)
k gotta go....
Yay!We will be goin to PTE prom.. can't wait....
it would be fun-fun-fun!!!
I tried to publish the new layout for this blog so many times...
Gah!!! What happend?? Why cannot publish wan???
I think I try it again some other day la....
Geez spoil my mood oni....
Friday, October 21, 2005
Please sign up SPCA petition!!!
I saw this on Seng Ming's blog....Please sign up SPCA pettition.
Its a petition to the prime minister to raise the fine from RM200 to higher fine arond Rm 10,000 on cruelty towards animals...
Animal lovers all over Malaysia petition for a pro-active government stance on the prevention of cruelty to animals by passing effective and deterrant legislation:
1.Increasing the cruelty fine from RM200 (since 1953) significantly higher to around RM 10,000.00 and increase jail time.
2.A life time ban on animal ownership for those charged with cruelty to animals --- animals therefore cannot be returned to the owners.
3.To urge the public to be responsible pet owners - spay/neuter their pets, adequate food, space, exercise, love and mediacal attention and to be considerate neighbours.
The link can be found on the left at my fav link...
Help these voiceless and innocent animals.
Please pass this down to the others...
100,000 signs is needed by September 2006
and now there's currently 6762 signs....
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
wah!!! perfect birthday!! =)
Haha.. my birthday this year is perfect...I get to celebrate with my friends, coz I thought I won't get to celebrate with my friends at first but the gave me a surprise... ^^
Woon asked me to go Jeth's on Monday night to celebrate Hui Shean's birthday...
Then i jokingly said to her that why celebrate Hui Shean's birthday, what abt my birthday leh?
She just said ya then change to other topic...
So around I went to Jeth around 7pm, Hui Shean, Peh Ling, Sue Ee, Sharmane, Yeoh, VLing, Chin Pey, Chin Suet, Yee Wun & her sister is there....
ordered fish & chip (yum! but chin pey's yee mee looks better... haha) She offered me to try la, but not so nice la to accept it so i decline her offer... hehe... We have casual talk....
Then Sharmane and Peh Ling go get the cake, Peh Ling ask me to sit next to Hui Shean, then I feel little weird... Not celebrate my birthday oso... Why sit there leh...
Then they place the cake between me and Hui Shean, both of us were so blur pushing the cake to each other and say ' No, is celebrate your birthday la...' The others were staring at us and laugh... They sing birthday song to Sally...
Huh? Sally who... Myself and Hui Shean stare at each other... Haha...
Then only we realise we were pranked... Haha...
Kinda surpriselo.... I thought go there is to celebrate Hui Shean birthday...
I have fun that dayla....
And today is Daniel(older bro) birthday..... 24 today...
No money to buy you a present so accept my sincere wishes from me, kay?
Happy birthday ko!!!!
Friday, October 14, 2005
more pics on bbq event.... ;)
Nice birthday I had...many people wished me... n sharmane wished me SIX times....haha...
she should have a credit for that.. thanks Sharmane! Love ya!
Had dinner with family in Jeth's...
Just a little regret not getting to celebrate with friends.....
Blame myself for being lazy to go to school...
anyway.... daniel gaved me a early present the other day...
kinda like the present... thanks bro!
anyway... here's some more pics on the bbq event....
eh where are you going? dun run away from the cam!!! she is suffering from a sickness, camera phobia... haha just joking....

She apparently hop in there just before i snap the picture (i made tht up,actually i force her to be my model, ) but Ling where are you?? Can't see your face oso... haze is back...haha (my faultla for the low quality pic)

A little boy attempt to be on the camera and take away our limelight..... *tsk *tsk
Look at the happy aunties.....
ah!!!oh no some of the candles in the lantern goes off.... Nola, i turn on the flash...
Somewhere in the compound....
This is without flash... nice but blur/shakey.......
That's all...
BBQ event pics...

A view from outside the venue....
hungry people....
Here's where the yummy BBQ chicken wings and grilled lamb came from.....

finger licking good....

my lantern of the year... the color is *nice*

the lanterns outside the venue, nice a not??? i took this pic wan ar *showing off*.....
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Happie birthday to me!!!!

happy birthday to me..... :)
haha no where to celebrate so got to celebrate here then....
and the cake up there look so 'yum yum'..... hehe
must go 'tak che' (konon) ..
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Wah!! Yay!! Yipee!!!

Yay!!! today finally i get to buy this album...
This is the ftts album i always mention...
this album really worth it...
but i just had a little problem is that the vcd spoilt edi..
can't watch all the mv's but only can see one mv... -_-"
hai.. so mafan must go back to jj and change....
anyway i bought this cd i think its cheap..
coz got 2cd's and1vcd..... for rm56.50 oni..
in yesasia its aroung rm70++....
gotta go dinner edi...
keurom!! ^^
Saturday, October 08, 2005
A Dream.........

One day , there’s a guy wondering around a shopping complex called Ocean .. then suddenly he saw a pondan selling herself to an old man for a few bucks for a ride home to her plastic surgery for his ugly face and his boobless body and his overshapped body. The doctor cut his excessive fats first then stop coz it’s too oily till it burst and cannot sew back, so he used elephant-gum and also masking tape. He tried so hard to sew, but can’t sew, so the doctor used his old grandma’s secret that it is none other that used the fat to cover up her scar (wow the method was remarkable) but the scar still there. In desperation, the doctor ran out from the surgery room and go to commit suicide but a bright light shines. He stopped and turned, then he realized that the light is actually spotlight from the corner. He whispered to himself , “ why am I here? Here is definitely not high enough for me to end my life !! So why don’t I climb higher and see ?” He made the thought within a second, and walked down at once. Then within another second , he jumped up and down , trying to feel the world one last time before he meets angels or devils later . Now, he is ready for another try to say goodbye to the world. He whispered, “bye mom, bye dad, chicken rice , wife, ahbeng , vling , cousin , bengsze , taiyilong , yahtyng , Korean pop, kimchi, songs , pondan , love story in Harvard, old man, bus and full house….” Suddenly, something strikes him. “Ah, I forgot to sew back the pondan’s two big scars. So, he ran back to the surgery room and to his surprise, the pondan wasn’t there. But he kap liu wor , so he rush to the toilet. Suddenly , he saw the pondan was pangsaiING there..Wah, what a relief to him as he has done his nature call and found pondan screaming but donno why the pondan was screaming then found out that actually his/her wound still bleeding like the pipe water, oils are flowing out like Nigeria fall. The doctor then approached the pondan, then only he realized that he’s not actually a pondan, he’s just a girl that look like a guy. Guilt haunted him, he knew that he had to be responsible to the “girl”.. then he proposed to her and bowed to his knees, saying “ahpon, would you marry me?” Without a second thought, ahpon hugged the doctor and nodded then said “actually I have a confession to make, I am a real humsup. Tell me the truth, how many children do you wanna have? A football team of children?” Then, there’s a moment of silence, the doctor confess that he wants two football team, can? But I’m mati pucuk , even tongkat ali can’t help , plus waikor also cant help , sei ku cant help either. The only way is to get two football team in his own dream . Therefore, that night itself they went to bed together, have the same dream. The doctor dreamed about him being a football coach and the ahpon was a ahsam that washed toilet in a football stadium….. As he walked closer , tititititi ( alarm clock )… the doctor woke up and realize it’s all a dream after all . Sighed in relief , the ahpon, the suicide, the old man , the football team don’t really exist…Thank god… He said to himself..but I’m still mati pucuk …. Why ????
Originally written by 3NG's.....
coryright reserved 2005
Our Sajak..... kesepian....
Sunyi sepi…
Biar aku penuhi kesepianmu
Usah…usah….kamu kepunyaan saya…
Di bintang yang terang
Hanya wajahmu yang dapat saya lihati
Tidak tidak…jangan hampiriku…
Saya mahu saya mahu…awak choi ar??
Dicipta oleh:
vling, beng, chicken rice (3NG's)
-hak cipta dipelihara 2005-
this aaron ar....ffk again....
so i didn't get to buy my cd again...
ya my ftts cd...
few months ago i been saying i'm buying...
but still haven't buy yet...
waa i'm buying the original wan eh so susah to get....
say tomorrow will fetch me go..let see....
whether he's goin to ffk a not....
Friday, October 07, 2005
; )
Its been a long time not blogging...haha.. lazy ma...
Normal day today...
Kinda unhappy yesterday wit aaron...
Always fong fei kei..
Say wanna take me go buy cd but giving all sort of excuses....
say wanna bring me there today let see how...
i'm sure he wouldn't do as what he say...
last week we had pra exam...
we talk more than doing the 'exam'...
we were just talking about what to do in future...
than ah beng mistaken korean pop for kuay peng(chicken rice)....
then she had this idea, she ask me to go Korea to sell chicken rice in future...
haha funny la she...
from that day i had another new nickname, chicken rice.... other than tai yi long...
this ah beng ar got lots of idea giving people nickname...
then yeoh say i'm ah ming ker(holland village) 2nd wife... what la she... haha
yer... the ah ming ker... always da(beat) lao puo wan...
got tuition later...
gotta go and ready....