Monday, May 14, 2007
dust dust~~
hehe its been a while~darn.. duno why korean blog cannot blog ><
i try to figure out and will put a chatbox up there soon..
so hehe u all can leave a msg whn u drop by...
i been good. wish u all are too.
take care!
hehe shean i'll blog the tagged on korean blog eh.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
hahahahhahahaha*dust dust*
been er. yea. haha. not updating here.
i moved to korean blog ......
i still do keep this blog though~
who knows i shift back here lagi? hahahha
expect the unexpected~~
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Ya ya i know i been MIA alot lately..hmmm update tmr arh.. lol eh mayb later :D
take care peeps~!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Beng!! bah kut teh pics`~!! paiseh lambat la...

Thursday, November 30, 2006
We're one happy family~~~ LOL
Firstly, i would like to apologise leh, for negelecting this blog.. hoho paiseh ar... hahah yaya beng!!! updating now... lol Just left another 2 weeks to finals~ swt!! Haha college is getting cooler and fun, as we have a family tree in our class.. lol I have ah chor(great grand pa), ah kong, ex-ah ma, lou yi, daddy, mummy, da jie, jie fu, taukeh, taukehsoh, and other soon to be family members..... Its fun having these classmates, I char u, u char me... lol.... I'll introduce u to thm once i got allll of their pics... hahaha..... Anyways i gonna upload some pics i have at the moment... hehe... Pics on.... our English presentation day~~ :D This is da jie~ presenting on child abuse~!!! wooot~ da jie goes steady..... XD
followed by ex-ah ma on accident...... presenting with style.... :D
This is mummy on khidmat negara :~) .....
ho ho .... taukeh soh~ presenting on gays hahah didnt she dressed up like one too.... LOL...
Hehe last but not least.. me the shun (grandchild) @ aunty @ sui(sial) @ devil @ evil..... Gosh I have sooo many nicknames.. hahahahh... i was presenting on YES... i did pretty well la.. XD
heheh thts all from now... will upload more pics... tmr :D
take care ppl...